- 13.06.2012


Scan by TokioHotel-Info

 Weil er sich öffentlich Sorgen machte
"Tokio Hotel" zerren Vater vor Gericht 

Er ist in großer Sorge. Aber seine Söhne wollen, dass er schweigt...


Die Zwillinge Bill und Tom Kaulitz (22) zerren ihren eigenen Vater Jörg (44) vor Gericht!

Per Eilverfahren erwirkten sie beim Landgericht Hamburg eine einstweilige Verfügung gegen ihn. Dem Kraftfahrer ging ein Gerichtsbeschluss zu, nach dem er sich nicht mehr öffentlich über seine berühmten Söhne äußern darf.

Sonst droht eine hohe Geldstrafe oder sogar Gefängnis...

"Ich bin maßlos enttäuscht von Bill und Tom", sagt Papa Jörg zu BILD. "So geht man doch nicht mit dem eigenen Vater um. Sie hätten nur einmal anrufen müssen."

Stattdessen meldete sich erst ein Anwalt und jetzt das Gericht.

Dabei war das Verhältnis zu den Söhnen bis zu deren Umzug nach Los Angeles (Herbst 2010) völlig intakt: gemeinsame Urlaube, Besuche an Weihnachten.


Auf ihrem Amerika-Trip sind die Zwillinge (auch) für ihren Papa plötzlich nicht mehr erreichbar.

Für ihn ein Zeichen, dass es seinen Jungs möglicherweise nicht gut geht. Er macht sich Sorgen und sagte das auch. "Ich wollte doch nur, dass meine Jungs in Los Angeles nicht unter die Räder kommen und habe das laut ausgesprochen."

Doch die jungen Rockstars jagen ihre Anwälte auf ihn.

Wissen sie noch, was sie tun?

13 Seiten umfasst der Beschluss des Hamburger Gerichtes, der per Gerichtsvollzieher zugestellt wurde.

ABER: "Ich werde gegen den Gerichtsbeschluss ankämpfen." Es wird zu einer Verhandlung kommen. Vater Jörg muss also gegen seine Söhne vor Gericht.

Jörg: "Ich liebe meine Söhne über alles und das wird sich auch nicht ändern. Aber sie machen es mir wirklich schwer. Ich habe ihnen doch nichts getan. Ich will nur, dass wie früher zwischen uns alles gut ist."

Bill und Tom Kaulitz waren für eine Stellungnahme nicht zu erreichen.



Tokio Hotel dragged their father to court

He is really worried. But his sons want to silence him…


The twins Bill and Tom Kaulitz (22) dragged their own father Jörg (22) to court!

By an accelerated procedure the Hamburg Regional Court brought an injunction against him. The driver according to the court order, he would never speak about his famous sons publicly.

Otherwise he gets high fine or even jail...

"I am extremely disappointed in Bill and Tom", said the father Jörg to BILD. "Nobody does this with his own father. You would call me just once."

Instead, only a lawyer came forward, and now the court.

The relationship with his children was completely good until their moving to Los Angeles (Fall 2010): common holidays, visits at Christmas.


Since their moving to America, the Twins (also) suddenly were no longer available for their dad.

For him, it's a sign that something is wrong with his children. He is worried and he said it, too. "All I want is that my children in Los Angeles do not come under the wheels."

But the young rock stars chasing him through their lawyer.

Do they know what they do?

13 pages, including the Hamburg court's decision, which was delivered by a bailiff.

BUT: "I will fight against the court decision." He will face more resistance. The father Jörg needs to go to court against his sons.

Jörg: "I love my sons more than everything and it's not going to change. But they make my situation really hard. I have done anything wrong with them. I just want that everything is good between us, as before."

Bill and Tom Kaulitz were not available to comment it.

Translation by Betty

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  1. Can we have an english translation?

  2. Translation, please :*

  3. Is there an English translation for this?

  4. Tokio Hotel dragged their father to court

    He is really worried. But his sons want to silence him…

    Family conflict in the Tokio Hotel

    The twins, Bill and Tom Kaulitz (22) dragged their own father, Jörg (22) to court!

    By an accelerated procedure the Hamburg Regional Court brought an injunction against him. The driver according to the court order, he would never speak about his famous sons publicly.

    Otherwise he gets high fine or even jail...

    “I am extremely disappointed in Bill and Tom”, said, the father, Jörg to Bild. “Nobody does this with his own father. You would call me just once.”

    Instead, only a lawyer came forward, and now the court.

    The relationship with his children was completely good until their moving to Los Angeles (Fall 2010): common holidays, visits at Christmas.

    It’s all over.

    Since their moving to America, the Twins (also) suddenly were no longer available for their dad.

    For him, it’s a sign that something is wrong with his children. He is worried and he said it, too. “All I want is that my children in Los Angeles do not come under the wheels.”*

    But the young rock stars chasing him through their lawyer.

    Do they know what they do?

    13 pages, including the Hamburg court’s decision, which was delivered by a bailiff.

    BUT: “I will fight against the court decision.” He will face more resistance. The father, Jörg needs to go to court against his sons.

    Jörg: “I love my sons more than everything and it’s not going to change. But they make my situation really hard. I have done anything wrong with them. I just want that everything is good between us, as before.”

    Bill and Tom Kaulitz were not available to comment it.

    * ( I am not sure but maybe he thought about that Los Angeles have a bad effect on them.)

    Translation by Betty

  5. I can't believe they did that.
